La Matanza - Traditional small town in the evergreen north of Tenerife

The cultivation of bananas, various kinds of wines (the red wine from La Matanza is one of the best on Tenerife), potatoes or tomatoes are only some examples.

Many sights or great cities, which you will surely not forget, are within a radius of 20 km. If you want to visit the circle of La Matanza, then we recommend you El Sauzal with a distance of ca. 5 km, La Laguna with a distance of ca. 18 km, La Orotava with a distance of ca. 11 km, Puerto de la Cruz with a distance of ca. 12 km.

Photo gallery - La Matanza in the north of Tenerife - Holiday homes with a nice sea view

locality position - La Matanza - Excellent red wine and old canarian ambience

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