Güimar - Traditional village marked by stony pyramids and agriculture

Many sights or great cities, which you will surely not forget, are within a radius of 20 km. If you want to visit the circle of Güimar, then we recommend you Candelaria with a distance of ca. 8 km.

Photo gallery - Güimar in the east of Tenerife - Find the best holiday homes here

Güimar - Teneriffa / Tenerife Güimar - Teneriffa / Tenerife
Güimar - Tenerife
Die berühmten Pyramiden von Güimar Die berühmten Pyramiden von Güimar
The famous pyramids of Güimar
Statuen im Museum der Pyramiden von Güimar Statuen im Museum der Pyramiden von Güimar
Statues in the museum of the Güimar pyramids
Stadtzentrum in Güimar Stadtzentrum in Güimar
City center in Güimar
Casa Santo Domingo in Güimar Casa Santo Domingo in Güimar
Casa Santo Domingo in Güimar
Rathaus von Güimar Rathaus von Güimar
Town hall of Güimar
Plaza mit Brunnen in Güimar Plaza mit Brunnen in Güimar
Plaza with fountain in Güimar
Kirche San Pedro Apóstol in Güimar Kirche San Pedro Apóstol in Güimar
Church San Pedro Apóstol in Güimar
Steinerne Pyramiden von Güimar Steinerne Pyramiden von Güimar
Stony pyramids of Güimar
Blick über die Pyramiden von Güimar Blick über die Pyramiden von Güimar
View over the pyramids of Güimar

locality position - Güimar - About pyramids, exotic orchards and tasty wine

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